Sunday, 7 May 2017

MEST3 PPE - Learner Response

www: good attempt to incorporate Marxism + pluralism in section B
ebi: Ensure you finish with a conclusion that answers the question.  

2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for A2 Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need across Section A and Section B to achieve your target grade?

No I didn't, I needed 4 more marks to meet my target grade. 

3) Read through the mark scheme. Pay particular attention to pages 6-8 that have suggested content for each of the questions in Section A. How many of these potential points did you make? Did you successfully answer the questions? The original question paper is here if that is helpful.
Q1: I had mentioned 3 of the potential points in the mark scheme. 
This question wasn't answered as successfully because didn't have enough time to write more if I wanted to keep in time with my time management. 
Q2:I had managed to get 3 of the potential points in the mark scheme.
This question was the best one out of the 3 question in section A. I had given an example and spoken about the two products, giving specific examples and link back to the question roughly.
Q3: I had mentioned 4 of the potential points in the mark scheme.
This question was okay, but for me to gain more marks, I needed to get more paragraphs in and more examples - wider debates and examples. 

4) Which was your strongest question in Section A? Why did you do better in that particular question? Note the number of marks each question is worth.
My strongest question out of the 3 was question 2, the reason for this was because I had given specific examples and focused on the question. I had provided examples, with some theories but it would have been better if i had included more paragraphs and spoken about the wider examples rather than specifically focusing on the products, I could have gotten better makers. 

5) Which was your weakest question in Section A? Again, try and identify why this happened. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you run out of time? 
My weakest question was question 1, even though I had given examples and spoken about both products, i didn't write enough, I need to make attention to time and write much faster. I also need to make sure that I develop my points even more to make them specific to the question and show critical autonomy.

6) Now look at pages 11-12 of the mark scheme for Section B - New/Digital Media paying particular attention to the suggested essay content on page 12. How many of the broad areas suggested by AQA did you cover in your Section B essay? Did you successfully answer the question?
Q6: I had answered 3 of the board areas that were suggested. This question was okay, it was a "good essay essay" (level 3). I could have answered the question better by providing better wider examples and writing much faster so I wouldn't run out of time. 

7) Read the Examiner's Report in full. For each question your answered, would you classify your response as one of the stronger answers or one of the weaker answers the Chief Examiner discusses? Why? What could you do differently next time? Write a reflection for EACH question in the paper: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q6 OR Q7.
Q1: would classify this question to be a weaker answers - provide more examples, specific references and developed answers.
Q2: would classify this question to be the stronger answers - provided other examples - explained how audiences were encouraged to agree with set of values - clear focus on the question. 
Q3:Would classify this question to be answered in weaker answers as i didn't really consider the "Should" part of the question. To better, I could have provided a balanced argument, as still did make references in which platforms are used by audiences and the impact of it, I could have made this a little more clear. 
Q6:I would classify this question to be stronger response but not fully as I didn't really write about that wide of examples but spoke about what has been happening in the world and the developments of the media from the traditional media. I had included few examples of theories but it would have been better of course by providing more examples and theories but developed points. I need to work on my time management skills too as I didn't write a conclusion either. 

8) Choose your weakest question in Section A and re-write an answer in full based on the suggested content from the Examiner's Report. This answer needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme. This will be somewhere between 3-6 well-developed paragraphs (depending on the question/number of marks available).

Q1: What media language techniques are used make each product appear authoritative and trustworthy?

Product 1 uses media techniques like sound to appear authoritative and trustworthy. The way product 1 uses sound to do this by both diegetic and non diegetic sounds, the instrumental music that appears at the very start of the advertisement till the end changes quite frequently according to what is happening on the screen. For example, when the protagonist is seen retelling his hardship moments, sound of the instrumental music is quite low and mellow allowing the audiences to feel involved and trust what they protagonist is saying. The parallel sound was in sic with the visuals, supporting the prognosis to sound authoritative and powerful now that he has found his 'luxurious' home and his success through it. The dominance of the male protagonist allows the advertisement to be authoritative already  as because of his costume - suite and tie, the expense and classiness . Furthermore, the authority and trust also comes from the settings that are shown to the audience, by the protagonist showing his working life in the heart of London, shows the empowerment, showing the audiences to believe and trust his success story. When showcasing the apartment, in a mid-close up shot, making the audiences see the stainless tables, expensive furniture and what seem like a top apartment in the heart of London makes the audience see that the protagonist's wealth and what good of a luxury lifestyle he lives in, could allow the audience to make it their aim too be there too someday. 

In terms of product 2, he use of the camera work: close up and mid- close up shows us that we can trust what has been said and shown on camera. At the start, the audiences are shown how a guy has the camera  hand held,  this simple camera work reinforces the truth because as there isn't a big production going on, it encourages the audiences to trust what has been shown because it is not caring about the quality but its more showing the truth and the reality of the problem that occurred. In addition, it shows how 3 females are setting down to what looks like a living room, the technique of setting of a home shows trustworthy content and authoritative is because the audiences can see it as that despite the MP buying out the stake homes, people are still able to live in a home environment despite the problems they are showing, the setting of home is empowering the audiences because it could be showing that the 3 females are still in charge and giving up despite what has been happening. 

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