EU launches public consultation into fears about future of internet

The EU is launching an unprecedented public consultation to find out what Europeans fear most about the future of the internet. Privacy, security, artificial intelligence, net neutrality, big data and impact of internet on daily life among topics included in surveys that will be ask people for their views on those. The aim is to give policymakers a better sense of public priorities in their decision-making. The European commission is often criticised for being too detached from popular sentiment and preoccupation. Brussels policymakers have long sought to tap into the internet to boost Europe’s economic growth and the EU’s popularity. In his state of the union speech in September 2016, Juncker called for every town and village to have free wifi by 2020, a demanding target that initially rattled the telecoms industry. he internet’s impact on our world is already enormous and will accelerate even more in the coming years with the rise of artificial intelligence, the bridging of the physical and digital worlds and the pervasive use of data,” - Jesús Villasante, a commission official.
[] the commission expects 8,000 towns and villages to benefit from its €120m (£101m) free wifi fund, known as WiFi4EU.
[] EU executive is also leaning on the telecoms industry to do more to upgrade internet speeds. It wants schools, most businesses, railway stations and airports to benefit from broadband speeds of one gigabit per second by 2025
The internet and the developments of the internet is growing and becoming powerful by the days. Since everything now is going online, the internet is becoming more complex but also more dangerous because people are now becoming aware of what can be done on the internet. here seems to be an entire generation of kids coming through that are in danger of abandoning curiosity and replacing it with a need to be seen to be unquestioningly compliant with the view of their peers digititly. The internet can be so important but it shouldn't be something that everyone revolves around too.
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