Summary: Kanye West’s career took an unprecedented turn at the end of 2016, when the rapper aligned himself with Donald Trump. West now appears to have changed his mind, deleting his pro-Trump tweets as sources claim he has “turned against” the US president following the latter’s travel ban.According to TMZ, the Trump travel ban, which targets people from seven Muslim-majority countries, was one of the catalysts for West’s social media purge.
The rapper’s meeting with the US president followed a series of surprising statements West made during a live performance last November. Last month, the rapper’s wife, Kim Kardashian West, showed her support for the Women’s March in Washington.
My Opinion: Kayne West is a well known figure within the public, when he opened his views on Trump to his fans and the general people, many if not all were very shocked about his opinions about Trump. Using a source of social media, with raising his opinions but also then deleting his tweets about pre-trump posts shows how powerful internet can be especially the social media. Many people do use it to voice there opinions but they also feel though as you can delete it like the post was never made in the first place, but not actually knowing it that the internet is so very powerful. Through this, it shows the the internet; social media can be very popular but also a very resource source when people want to take back what they had posted in the first place.
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