Parents exposing children to cyber-bullying by creating underage accounts on social media

Summary: A new study suggest that, prents may be inadvertently exposing their children to cyber-bulling and inappropriate online behaviour. The student that was commissioned by cyber-security firm McAfee and the Anti-Bullying Alliance, served 1012 UK children between age 10 - 17 and 1013 adults with at least one child aged 10 - 17. hose behind the study have suggested that “some parents may be unintentionally exposing their children to inappropriate behaviour and cyber-bullying” due to a lack of online parental controls and by setting up their children’s social network accounts for them.
[] 46% of parents have set up their children’s social media profile.
[] 45% of parents have set up a Facebook account for a child under 13, despite the age restrictions
[] Just over one in ten parents also claimed that current age restrictions are “too limiting” and that “younger children should be able to join social networks”.
[] Around a third of parents admit that they have never talked with their children about online safety.
[] 19% of parents have set up parental controls on all of their children’s internet-accessible devices at home.
[] 23% of children who directed a comment with cruel or abusive language at someone online considered it “mean”, and only 9% considered it cyber-bullying.
[] 32% of parents surveyed felt that better knowledge of the internet and social networks would leave them feeling better equipped to do this.
My Opinion: Since the new and digital media is delveoping, a lot of young audience are keen on being part of that developing and being invovled just as much as older audience are. Despite how old a person can be, keeping safe on the internet is very essential, the internet doesnt need to be a bad place but there are people on the internet that think it is 'funny' to do things such as cyber bullying. Parents need to be aware of what their child is doing online and esspecially on social media, the figures above are shocking such as some parents have actually set up their child's social media page. Both young audience and parents need to be educated and aware of the internet and what it can potentially do if people are not careful or at least aware of what happens - with this is could limit to issues such as this.
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