Monday, 13 June 2016

What's wrong with the internet?

Somebody's watching you: social media and surveillance' - MM52 page 13 

This article explains the truth behind how much we are atucally protected from the public and how much we know and think we know. This article really does make us think twice about how safe we really are when we go on the internet or use social media accounts such as Facebook or Twitter. 

What is your opinion on this debate?
For me personally, I think it is true that we don't have privacy. When we do go on the internet, we are giving all our information; our locations, phone numbers, emails, photos that give away a lot about ourselves. For example by posting things on the internet like 'Youtube videos' companies and website will pick out those videos and place them into their own sites without any permissions or warnings. This immediately hints out that ones anything that is put on the internet, and even if you do take it off, it never is really removed since you never know who has saved/kept it in other places. 

Are you bothered by people tracking your online movements? 
I would say i would be bothered by people tracking my online movements, but thinking it realistic we all do it ourselves, we 'stalk' people online on social media, it may be people we know or heard off, so we can't really be bothered or hate it if we do it ourselves to other people. It is something that is unfortunately that people do track peoples movements and keep an eye on what is someone doing every now and then. It does sound scary thinking about strangers who we completely don't know stalking or spying someone else. 

Is it a small price to pay for the benefits of a life online? 
No, i think it is a very big price to pay for the benefits of a life online, because we now are so consumed and consistently on the internet and using our smartphones. Before the digital media came, people were able to function and communicate without all of the internet connections we have now. It is a big price to pay as we are giving up your privacy and so much personal information about us just so we can 'fit in' in the 'internet world'. 

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